Saving Trees Around You

Every town and city has laws dictating which tree species need to be protected and when and how it’s OK to cut down trees. In some areas, trees that are delicate, rare or extremely beneficial are protected by law. Knowing the laws in your area will help you be a better advocate for the trees there.

 What you can do to save the Tree

Speak up to save the tree, rather than just letting it get cut down. Get together with other people who care about saving trees in your area and make it clear that you object to cutting down healthy trees. Even if there’s no law against cutting down tree, if enough people think trees are important and need to be protected, you might be able to create change. Even if it’s too late for this particular tree, you’ll set a precedent for next time. Here are a few things you can do: • Write a letter of objection to your city forester or city council member. • Start a petition to change policies or protect certain trees. Rally neighbors to get involved in saving the neighborhood trees. • Get the media involved by sending a letter to the editor or contacting a local TV station.